Yerluckyday, Jesterary 16,
40 A.B.
If you're reading this it probably means that you made a conscious decision
to disobey my instructions not to read it.
Insert Five Minute Break Here
Back? I guess you must be if you're reading this.
We played the Dictionary Game.
Probang - 1. A long flexible tube having a tuft or sponge on the end, used in cleaning or medicating the larynx or esophagus. 2. A city in southwestern Thailand. 3. A large suborder of spiny-finned fishes that includes the perches, sunfishes, and groupers. 4. A supporter of the Big Bang theory.
My wife picked #3. Do you agree? (Answers below.)
Jicama - 1. A small tree native to western Africa with variegated leaves in summer, and yellow berries in winter. 2. A crisp sweet turnip-shaped vegetable used raw in salads or cooked in stews. 3 A pancake of grated potato, usually cooked in olive oil. 4. A stringed instrument popular in Aztec culture often used in ceremonial dances.
I picked #1.
Skeg - 1. A mid-19th century dance movement that British sailors probably first learned in India and spread throughout the British Empire. 2. To flee in a manner implying guilt, shame, or fear (chiefly Scottish). 3. A structure that connects the keel and the stern post of a ship. 4. A length of thread or yarn wound in a loose coil. My wife picked #3 and then tossed the following my way: Fabliau - 1. Edible pod or seed of any of several beans, especially the kidney bean. 2. A tide that occurs during the first and third quarters of the moon when the difference between high and low tides is the least. 3. A fabric made of silk and rayon woven together, mainly used in theatrical backdrops. 4. A medieval tale characterized by comic treatment of themes drawn from real life. I thought #4 was the right definition and then gave her this: Calyptra - 1. An Italian form of calliope commonly found at fairs and festivals. 2. A dervish-like dance of Greek origin. 3. The protective cap or hood covering the spore case of a moss or related plant. 4. A brightly colored eel found in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.
My wife picked #2.
Slatch - 1. A soft thin leather split off of the outside of sheepskin and used for bookbinding. 2. A momentary lull between breaking waves, favorable for launching a boat. 3. A tool used in cutting keys. 4. A legal document that delineates property lines and measurements foe in property sale and transfer. I picked #1. For what it's worth, we both got exactly one right.
That's about all I have to say today.
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(©Now by DJ Birtcher merely to have something to do with his hands) |
Probang - 1 (esophagus cleaner) Jicama - 2 (turnipy veggie) Skeg - 3 (ship part) Fabliau - 4 (medieval tale) Calyptra - 3 (spore hood) Slatch - 2 (lull between waves) |