Lastlookbackday, Jesterary 6, 40 A.B.
"Perhaps we are hallucinating all the time and what we call perception is arrived at by simply determining which hallucination best conforms to the current sensory input."
- Phantoms in the Brain, p. 112
Thanks, all, for sharing the hallucination that was the '90s with me. Before they slip away entirely to that place where all dreams go to die, I'd like to try to nail some of their more memorable elements to my living mind. If you're not as masochistic as I am, you might want to go get your hand stuck in your CD-ROM drive instead.
Here goes:Twin Peaks. Yeltsin. Smart bombs. Hubble. Tailhook. Nintendo. "The mother of all battles." Grunge. Oil well fires. President Mandela. Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas. Rodney King. Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding. "It's the economy, stupid." The LA riots. Hurricane Andrew. Kurt Cobain. Socks. Political Correctness. " - NOT!" Waco. Whitewater. Leno. World Trade Center bombing. Perot. Piercings. "Don't ask, don't tell." Rush Limbaugh. Michael Jordan. "Life is like a box of chocolates." Newt. Taurus. Militias. Somalia. Jagged Little Pill. Croatia. Oklahoma City bombing. OJ. Snapple. Oasis. Kevorkian. "Master of my domain." Windows. Bosnia. El Nino. Ebola. Netscape. TWA 800. Brady bill. Spice Girls. Cyberspace. 3-D stereograms. Beanie Babies. Macarena. SnackWells. Sheryl Crow. Oprah books. "Friends." Babe. JonBenet Ramsey. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Tamagotchis. "Not that there's anything wrong with that." Mars Sojourner. John Grisham. Self-stick postage stamps. Viagra. Books for Dummies. Myst. Chat. Rabin. Spam. New VW Beetle. Ellen. Information Superhighway. Rwanda. Unabomber. "No soup for you!" Goosebumps. St. John's Wort. Angels. Global warming. Road rage. Virtual reality. Diana. Taliban. Starbucks. Candle in the Wind. Doom. Cell phones. Marilyn Manson. SUVs. Yanni. Yahoo. Furbys. Mad Cow Disease. Amazon. Sampling. 3-D puzzles. Radial keratotomy. Tiger Woods. Bananas in Pajamas. Sammy Sosa. Digital cameras. Zinc lozenges. ER Tattoos. Mark McGwire. AOL. Titanic. "Sponge worthy." Goatees. MiXeD FoNtS. Jerry Springer. Chihuahuas. HTML. Cyber cafe. Cloning. Strong mints. Teletubbies. Icicle lights. X-Files. iMac. Dilbert. Dixie choppers. La Nina. Monica. Ally McBeal. Kosovo. Chicken Soup for the Soul. Goth. South Park. DVD. JFK, Jr. Balanced budget. High school shootings. Day traders. Harry Potter. Pokémon. Email. E-commerce. eBay.
It's the post-'90s.
Time to really get a life.
Forward To New And Improved Blather
(All Material That Oprah Will Allow Me To ©Now by Dan Birtcher)
Did I leave out your favorite person, place, or thing of the '90s?
Well, goodness gracious - don't just sit there and pout.