Junival 25, 41 A.B. The Following
Entry Has Been Written By
Sometimes It's Just Too Damn Much Work
Monday Update In The Convenient Friday Pouch
Monday was a severely pleasant day here. The National Weather Service
issued a Blue Sky Watch well before dawn. Shortly after 6 a.m., that
was changed to a Blue Sky Warning when a sheriff's deputy spotted an actual
blue sky approaching from the east. This was followed by heavy sunshine,
frightfully refreshing breezes, and intermittent birdsong the size of Elvis.
My own day began about 9:30 when the familiar sound of a truck losing its
load shattered my morning dreams. A glance out my front door revealed
that a private garbage hauler had managed to send a full bag of trash out
the back end of his truck and splotz against my mailbox post. To
his credit, he immediately stopped, backed up, and sent three boys scurrying
to clean up the mess as I stood in my doorway watching, so utterly beguiled
by the scene unfolding before me that I utterly forgot my basically pants-less
nature. A brief inspection afterwards (complete with pants) revealed
the boys had managed to retrieve the entire contents of their errant trash
bag save for one razor blade and two fragments of a mirror.
Had I found him or her immediately, perhaps I would not have proceeded
to stick a sock-clothed right foot into a puddle of cat vomit around 10:05
a.m. ....
Debriefing The Wife, Part 3
----- Queen Elizabeth's favorite sport is Demolition Coaches.
Pictures From The Scene Of A First-Degree Vacation!
Changing of the Guard outside, umm, some building in Britain with a unique
plaza out front modeled after the surface of the sun. The guy on
the motorcycle was the tour guide, his face and identity carefully hidden
to prevent previous tour groups from tracking him down and doing rude things
to his body.
British Royal Museum
Favorite Part Of The Above Photo
Yard & Garden Update
The funny-looking buckthorn is up!
Some Friendly Advice
Ted Turner owns land in the U.S. equivalent in size to 1.5 Delawares.
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(©Now by someone who absorbs UV rays remarkably like Dan Birtcher)