Friday, Simptempter 8, 41 A.B.
Ahhh, good to be back in my own journal again! The pile of partially eaten HTML code is right in the corner where I left it, too - yay! Time now to empty my brain of all the thoughts that have been building up the last few days, then get back to frying up a few links for myself.
Oh, the web fires are still burning quite close to my site. The fire marshal has decided after a careful inspection that this journal is simply too insignificant to ever catch fire, however, so I'm legally back in business (as opposed to having snuck back in as at least one of my former readers suggested I do the moment he heard I had suspended operations for fear of fiery death).
As for that anonymous suggestion someone sent me that no self-respecting fire would ever have anything to do with my site and so would be sure to jump right over it without even looking - the lab tests came back inconclusive, so HA!
Now, on to new thoughts!
Ok, well, let's see what old thoughts I can dredge up....
...I never really felt antediluvian until I went back to my old stomping grounds and discovered all the trees had moved.
That is to say, the trees I remembered were gone. New trees in new places had replaced them.
Turns out there's no faster way to induce a feeling of antediluvianism than seeing a big, fat tree line in a spot that was barren of all vegetable life a mere 25 years ago.
The stark white hair I discovered protruding from my left nipple this week was just icing on the AARP membership application.
The government insists that companies file environmental impact statements before doing anything major. When is Congress gonna finally demand that Mother Nature file people impact statements before she goes messing with my sense of time??
Ok, well... so much for old thoughts. Let's see what's left....
Hey! Did you know that Thanksgiving is the biggest holiday for rabbit meat? Easter is second.
Kinda makes ya wanna be a kid again, doesn't it?
If you actually succeed in becoming a kid again, you might want to note where all the trees are.
Just a thought.
...Home To Shoot The Breeze
After A Proper TrialMore Of What Will Never Be
On The Next Oprah
(©Now by D. Birtcher using only those methods that have NOT
been tested first in the eyes of sweet, sweet bunnies)...
No performance-enhancing drugs were taken by the author
of this entry before he attempted to write it.