May 28, 41 A.B.
Day Of Medical Transcriptionist Week!)))
This is going to be a short entry. Sorry. I want it to be longer,
but... I'm simply too naked to write much.
Maybe some people can sit at their PCs and come up with marvelous prose
while utterly as bare as the day they last bathed - I wish them well -
but I cannot do it myself. I never have been able to do it,
I doubt that I ever will be able to, and I'm sure I can't right now.
It's a wonder I've managed to write this much, given that someone might
come to my door at any moment, given that someone might call. Oh,
how I dread the thought of someone telephoning when I'm utterly clothesless!
How I absolutely DREAD hearing their embarrassed little "Hi!" when I answer
without so much as a single sock to cover my naked self!! Whatever
can such people be thinking to call at such a time as this?!
Then there are the chills. The drafts. The slicing open of
my chest as I attempt to slip a pen into a shirt pocket that simply isn't
I don't understand how I got this nude and hatless. I have no recollection
of signing any papers or even a waiver authorizing my being stripped and
left to fend for myself in a scarf-free office. And I certainly do
NOT know who talked me into trying to write and post an entry while in
this pitifully helpless, not-so-much-as-a-
state. If it was YOU, come, let me slap thee - no, WAIT! I'M
That's it - I'm out of here before one of us or our peculiar appendages
gets hurt.
I'll try to do better tomorrow.
I promise to write and post a real entry if I can.
I'm afraid it all depends on whether or not I can remember how to dress
myself come the morn.
I'm afraid it all depends on whether or not they come out with a cure for
bareness in a handy pill form. Or - better yet - a time-released
capsule that will keep me nude-free for some 12 hours at a stretch.
That is to say, I'm raw - I'm peeled - I'm in the buff right this very
moment - GET IT?
What would YOU do under the circumstances??
Enough said!
(Ummm, just curious.... You did read all that, right? You're
not one of those people with a terrible prejudice against men lacking pants,
are you? It's not my fault - honest! I was born this way!
But I always feel better about that after I've had me a few belts....)
(Geesh, this is so bad, I'm starting to think I'm bald, too. Please
avert your browser - NOW!!!!!)
(Somehow İNow
by Dan Birtcher despite his being stark raving bare-assed)
(I.e., in puris
naturalibus for all you med students out there)
(Proving once again
that even shockingly naked men can be
helpful, considerate,
and polite - at least to med students)
(Don't ever let
them tell you different!)
(But if they simply
must say something, please ask 'em to tell Jester
I loved him in the
event I die of nakedness in my sleep....)
(Like my grandfather,
who died of sudden pajama failure)
(While on the waiting
list for a night shirt donor)
. . . . . . . . . .